Saturday, July 18, 2009

Getting Started "Its Just Time"

It's time for a real war on ignorance starting with my own. Fade your televisions to black its time to start thinking for ourselves. The information is out there now more than ever.
It's amazing what you see when you look for yourself instead of taking someone else's word for it.
After doing some amazing reading on a friends site (for some reason the word blog sticks in my throat) there are an awful lot of people that presume to think they know what is best for us as the ignorant masses. At first you might think he's a little zealous but if you do the work and hit the links and read the facts for yourself you'll realize he just cares deeply. Even if you disagree with what he says his site is packed full of information you will want to know.
In my opinion we have failed ourselves and our youth in the area of education. My mission statement is to educate anyone willing to listen with the facts. This is the area I believe will effect change the quickest and even then it will take a while to undo what's been done.
One of the biggest culprits i see is advertising. These people have focus groups on "nine year olds". Happy Meals, give me a break, those kids are not going to be happy when they are ten years old and 150 pounds. Happiness is Love not a toy in a brown paper bag with processed meat on a stale bun. Go to Hulu (its free) and watch Supersize Me i don't think enough of us have seen it.
A report from Unicef's Innocenti Research Center in Florence, Italy stated the "it is clear that educational disadvantage is born not at school but in the home. Furthermore it states
"learning begins at birth" and is fostered by "a loving, secure, stimulating environment".
With divorce rates so high, financial instability, wars, uncertain futures and the inevitable depression that comes with all that you tell me how much work we have to do.
Yes people we have to rebuild from the ground up, to give our children's future a solid foundation. Show our children we love them read them a book.
Well i don't know about you but i feel proactive and it feels great. Thanks for listening and hang on we'll make it through. To all my friends, i would walk in front of a bus for your kids.